I know it's been a while since I've put anything up here, but I've been doing a lot of outside research and reading. Here's what I have come up with for a menu for this 4 month odyssey of mine. The plan is to just mix and match from this list so I don't get bored with eating the same thing for 4 months straight.
Breakfast - oatmeal, granola, pop-tarts, shredded wheat, powdered mild, almonds, pastries, blueberries, bagels
Snacks - granola bars, trail mix, peanuts, dried fruit, fig newtons, candy, peanut butter, string cheese, crackers, wheat thins, tortillas, salami, jerky
Dinner - rice, instant mashed potatos, pasta, mac n cheese, top ramen, tuna, soup, cous-cous, quinoi, beans, stuffing
Drinks (because mountain fresh water does get old) - hot chocolate, tang, gatorade
The Pacific Crest Trail
The pacific Crest Trail is a long-distance mountain hiking trail that runs in Washington, Oregon, and California between Mexico and Canada. The trail follows the highest portion of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Range, which parallels the Pacific Ocean by 100 to 150 miles. The trail is 2,650 miles long and ranges in elevation from just above sea level at the Oregon/Washington border to 13,153 feet at Forester Pass in the Sierra Nevada. The route passes through 25 national forests and 7 national parks. The Pacific Crest Trail is a place where space and time have become an illusion. With civilization we can take a train, drive an automobile, and fly a plane. With nauseating speed we fly by monuments, wilderness, man made obstructions, natural fields, rows of trees, buildings, and people. We are never really aware of the actual space in which we exist because we are annihilating time and space by traveling beyond our means. It is not until we attempt to move about on our own two feet that we realize the immense size of the world that we live in. Nobody is forced to walk anywhere; I will walk 2700 miles across the United States. For the first time in my life, the less that I have the better off I will be. I will have escaped clocks and calendars, where the only time is defined by the rising and setting of the sun.
Have you considered including eggs - you will need a lot of protein to keep your muscles strong. Also, you might consider taking some fishing string and a few hooks. (It's extremely light-weight and you can just tie it to a stick and plop it in a high-mountain lake or stream and catch a trout in about a minute or two...we've done that before.)